Âmes soeurs - John Marrs

The One – John Marrs

13 mars 2019

Good morning, everyone ! This week, we will talk about a thriller unlike any other: John Marrs’ Soul mates. If you like the disturbing topics related to the modern world explored in the Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone series, then you’ll love this book.

+ Genre: Thriller
+ Release date: 26 janvier 2017
+ Number of pages: 416 pages
+ Goodreads rating: 4.12 / 5
+ Amazon link: click here

John Marrs is an independent English journalist. His first novel « The Wronged Sons » was published in 2013.

Book summary …


One simple mouth swab is all it takes. A quick DNA test to find your perfect partner – the one you’re genetically made for.

A decade after scientists discover everyone has a gene they share with just one other person, millions have taken the test, desperate to find true love. Now, five more people meet their Match. But even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking – and deadlier – than others…


My review …


1 / Why I loved it 

« The One » has been on my reading list for a year. I liked the subject but I never took the time to buy it. The idea of having 5 main characters cooled me down a bit (usually I don’t like when there are so many characters). By chance, two weeks ago, I came across this book in my local bookstore. I couldn’t resist… and I don’t regret it …

In « The One », we meet 5 very different characters:

Mandy : an incorrigible romantic who is recovering from her divorce. Like her sisters, she wants to find her soul mate and have children.

Christopher: a serial killer who wants to become the next Jack the Ripper.

Jade: a young woman in crisis who needs to find meaning in her life.

Nick: a young man who is about to get engaged to the woman of his life.

Ellie: a determined working girl who has put her emotional life aside for years.

All these characters live in a world where couples are usually formed by a DNA test. This company allows people to receive the name of their genetic soul mate. The plot begins when our characters receive the names of their perfect partner. Each of them will face a very different situation.

Considering the first few pages, I thought the book was going to be pretty soft…I was wrong about that. John Marrs made me experience an emotional rollercoaster. The soul mate relationship is not so simple and there are many negative effects. Each person will see their situation completely slip out of control at some point.

I usually anticipate developments quite easily. This book is an exception. I didn’t think the situation of the characters would evolve in this way. Frankly, the plot is spectacular.  I’ve never been so fooled before. The twists keep coming.

Concerning the characters, I find that the reader gets easily attached to the them and their situations. I really liked Jade, Ellie and Christopher (strangely enough). Mandy et Nick… I have mixed feelings. Mandy really needs a shrink and Nick has disappointed me at times. Their decision-making capacity is not good. Don’t get me wrong, the characters are super well written. But I had this reaction on a few occasions when I read their stories:



The strength of this story is to confront you about this disturbing process that reflects our quest for perfection: finding your soul mate through DNA. This book gradually shows you the negative effects of the process and its limitations. How would you react if your partner was  same sex as you when you are straight? Or if you received the name of your partner when you are married? If your partner had died ?

You won’t be bored in this book. I finished it in 2 days.

« The One » is a thriller but not in the classic sense of the word. There is no real police investigation. There is a serial killer in our main characters but that’s where it ends. It is not the center of the book. The process of finding the perfect partner based on DNA is the real subject. And what our characters will be willing to do for this perfect partner.

The ending is perfect. A real slap in the face. Frankly, Mr. Marrs, good job, you got me.


2 / Why you should read it 


« The One » is really different in the thriller style. You should absolutely discover it because:

♥ Like Black Mirror and The twilight Zone, this book will confront you with the collective concerns related to the modern world. What will happen to us if we go too far with technology ? More than a thriller, it is a reflection on the limits of our society.

♥ The diverse and exciting characters: 5 different experiences with this new technology.

The end is a real slap in the face. There are a lot of twists and turns. The characters you meet at the beginning will change enormously. For that reason alone, I recommend it.


My rating …


Have you read this book? If you like thrillers, I suggest you check out my article on My Sister’s Grave by Robert Dugoni.

Have a good week 🙂



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